German Language
In order to fully dive into the culture of Germany, it is important to know a few German words and phrases, the most important of which is the German phrasing of "Do you speak English?" If you need help, it is best to ask someone younger. And remember that Google Translate and DeepL are your friends.
Whom to Ask for Help
When in doubt, if you need assistance in English, it is best to ask younger people (Millenials and Gen Z). They are far more likely to speak English since it is now taught in schools from a young age. This was not the case thirty years ago, especially in East Germany where the foreign language most taught in school was Russian.
Start a conversation with "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" (Do you speak English?) and if they say Yes or Ja, continue speaking. If they so "no" or "nein," say "Danke" and find someone else.

Best Translation Tools

The Google Translate App is highly recommended. It has a photo option which is great for translating images of most German text. I often use it when I'm in a country where I don't know the language and want to know what a menu says but it works just as well on ingredient lists, letters, and signs.
It also has a voice-to-text feature where you can speak in English, it translates into German, and then speaks in German (and vice-versa).
Useful German Phrases
For useful German phrases, especially questions, this link has over a hundred sayings with pronunciations to help you practice your German.